Trademark Usage


Cynosure® owned trademarks are valuable intellectual property that Cynosure uses in connection with products and services worldwide.  Cynosure has obtained valuable rights through proper and continuous use of its trademarks.  These trademarks signify and distinguish the quality and excellence associated with Cynosure.  Adherence to the following Trademark Usage Guidelines will help to maintain the strength and value of Cynosure products and services.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, design, phrase (or combination thereof) used by Cynosure to identify and distinguish its goods and services from the goods and services of others.  A trademark acts as the indicator of the source of the product or service such that consumers can be assured of the quality of the product or service.

Trademarks may be marked with either an ® symbol or a ™ (an ® designates a registered trademark and a ™ designates an unregistered trademark).  Cynosure’s trademarks change as we add new product(s) and service(s) and as the registration process takes place.  Cynosure trademarks and the trademarks of products distributed by Cynosure are listed in various places including on our products and in our literature, catalogs, websites’, and on the list of Trademarks in our website(s) Terms and Conditions of Use, which may be updated from time to time.

Limited Referential Trademark usage

As a purchaser of Cynosure product(s), you may use Cynosure trademarks only to refer to Cynosure product(s) and service(s) in marketing and promotional literature, print materials and other media provided that you adhere to these General Trademark Usage Guidelines.  If you have questions about appropriate, authorized use please contact Cynosure via email at prior to any use.

General Trademark Usage Guidelines

  1. Use appropriate trademark notice markings.  Always designate the trademark with the appropriate ™ or ® symbol with at least the first usage or most prominent usage of the trademark in a document.  Please see the list of Trademarks in our website(s) Terms and Conditions of Use to determine if a trademark is marked with a TM or ® symbol.
  2. Use trademarks as adjectives.  A trademark is an adjective that modifies a specific product or service.  Always use trademarks as adjectives that describe the product or service as a noun.  A trademark is correctly used in a sentence when a grammatically correct complete sentence remains despite removing the trademark from the sentence.
  3. Example of Correct Trademark Use, sentences A and B are both grammatically correct:
        1. The Picosure® laser treatment can remove tattoo ink from skin.
        2. The laser treatment can remove tattoo ink from skin.

    The generic descriptor usually appears in lower case letters. The generic descriptor need not be used every time the trademark appears, but it is good practice to use this rule often enough to send the message to the public that we are protecting our valuable trademark Picosure® and other trademarks. Also, do not use a trademark as a verb or in the possessive form.

  4. Do not modify trademarks.  Do not shorten, abbreviate, conjugate, combine, or otherwise modify a trademark.  Trademarks should not become plural or possessive.
  5. Do not mislead using trademarks. Cynosure trademarks may only be used in connection with a Cynosure product(s) and service(s) performed using the product(s). Such use is limited to inclusion on websites, in marketing and promotional literature and in print materials. Use of a Cynosure trademark in a company name, DBA, or in connection with unrelated products and services (e.g. competitors’ products, apparel, mugs, promotional goods, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Additional restrictions include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Do not use inaccurate or misleading nouns after trademarks, because trademarks are used for specific products and services.
    2. Do not use a trademark (or any part of a trademark) as part of another trademark, slogan, logo or other name. This includes but is not limited to a company name, trade name, product name, service name, technology name, standard, domain name, social media name or handle, provided that Cynosure customers may be licensed, under a separate agreement, to use a Cynosure trademark or a Cynosure distributed product trademark (or any part of such trademark) in their domain name.
    3. Do not imply a relationship or association with Cynosure, a Cynosure product, or a Cynosure distributed product that does not exist
    4. Do not apply for or register a Cynosure trademark, a Cynosure distributed product trademark (or any part of such a trademark) either alone or as part of another trademark or other name. This includes, but is not limited to a company name, trade name, product name, service name, technology name, standard, domain name, social media name or handle.
    5. Do not use any of the trademarks in any manner that expresses or implies that Cynosure has any affiliation, or association with your products, services, or company or that Cynosure sponsors, endorses, certifies, or approves of your products, services or company.
    6. Do not use trademarks in false or misleading advertising.
  6. Do not tarnish the value of Cynosure trademarks and Cynosure distributed product trademarks
    1. Do not use Cynosure trademarks or Cynosure distributed product trademarks in connection with any defamatory, scandalous, pornographic, or other objectionable materials.
    2. Do not use Cynosure’s trademarks or Cynosure distributed product trademarks to make fun of, disparage, or discredit Cynosure, Cynosure products and services, Cynosure distributed products and services, or to portray Cynosure, Cynosure products and services, or Cynosure distributed product and services in a negative manner.
  7. Attribute ownership of Cynosure trademarks to Cynosure.  When you refer to a Cynosure trademark on all labeling, print collateral or other media, please include a notice of all trademark(s) and a footnote indicating that the trademark(s) is owned by Cynosure, Inc.Example:  Cynosure® and PicoSure® are registered trademarks of Cynosure, Inc.
  8. Logos.  Approved Logos are available for customer use via the AMPS program and may only be used in the form presented therein.  Except as otherwise permitted under Cynosure’s AMPS program, you may not use any Cynosure logos without a trademark license from Cynosure.  All usage of trademark logos shall be pursuant to these Trademark Usage Guidelines and any other guidelines applicable to that particular logo.
  9. Copyright Notice. Copyrights protect original works of authorship and artistry such as advertisements, manuals, the arrangement and elements of a webpage, and other written or online literature. We may be able to use copyright protection to prevent others from copying our written and online materials.
    In the U.S. and many other countries, copyright rights arise automatically as soon as the work is created, and a copyright notice is not required. However, there are advantages to providing a copyright notice, and you should place one on all our written materials included in your office or on your website. The copyright notice should look like this:
    Correct: Copyright © 201*_ Cynosure, Inc. All Rights Reserved.The year date, of course, will change depending on the year date of first publication of the work.